i'm back! 
last i left you, i'd just had a kick ass time at the pride parade. much has changed since then!!
three days after pride, i went to a high school tech crew reunion (yup, i'm an audio-visual geek)
. it was great catching up with everyone, but near the end of the night, the restaurant's kitchen manager joined our group on the patio for a smoke. his name was Josh
i was smitten and i went home with him. the sex was mindblowing! i called him Captain and he called me bitch. he said he wanted to see me again, but i wasn't sure if it would happen. two days later, i told my husband Apok i was leaving him. i wasn't leaving him for the captain, but i couldn't stay with him any longer.
of course the most difficult part was Oz. what were we to do? neither of us are mentally sound (severe depression on both sides) and honestly, we both sucked as parents. but then there was the most wonderful turn of events. my sister Sari and her lesbian life partner Sara offered to adopt him. today is my birthday, and it also is the first day i am no longer Oz's legal guardian. what an odd birthday present
. i still see him often and he is so happy and has such a better life than i or Apok could have ever given him. i still miss him terribly though, and my heart breaks a little more every day ... 
that night i told Apok it was over was the last night we spent under the same roof. i got up, went to work and called the Captain up. he was happily surprised to hear from me and i spent another night with him. and then another ... and well long story short, we moved in togther almost immediately. he has 4 cats and a roommate, and i'm very happpy in my new life.
we drink a LOT, we smoke a LOT of pot, we go to all the local fetish events and just generally have fun all the time! we have a very alternative relationship (he even leads me on a leash in public, and check out my beautiful shiner in my profile pic!)
anyhoo, as i mentioned, it's my birthday today, and can you believe it? i'm at work!! anyhoo, i have to close ... i'll update more later. here's some shots of me and the Captain
i've missed you all! much luv!

last i left you, i'd just had a kick ass time at the pride parade. much has changed since then!!

three days after pride, i went to a high school tech crew reunion (yup, i'm an audio-visual geek)

of course the most difficult part was Oz. what were we to do? neither of us are mentally sound (severe depression on both sides) and honestly, we both sucked as parents. but then there was the most wonderful turn of events. my sister Sari and her lesbian life partner Sara offered to adopt him. today is my birthday, and it also is the first day i am no longer Oz's legal guardian. what an odd birthday present

that night i told Apok it was over was the last night we spent under the same roof. i got up, went to work and called the Captain up. he was happily surprised to hear from me and i spent another night with him. and then another ... and well long story short, we moved in togther almost immediately. he has 4 cats and a roommate, and i'm very happpy in my new life.
we drink a LOT, we smoke a LOT of pot, we go to all the local fetish events and just generally have fun all the time! we have a very alternative relationship (he even leads me on a leash in public, and check out my beautiful shiner in my profile pic!)

anyhoo, as i mentioned, it's my birthday today, and can you believe it? i'm at work!! anyhoo, i have to close ... i'll update more later. here's some shots of me and the Captain
i've missed you all! much luv!

I am glad that you back. I think that everybody here miss you so much.