hail satan, at least facebook's good for something! my in-laws posted our Canada day pictures! 
so although i'm over a week late, happy Canada's birthday, everyone!
i wanted to go to my friend's place for Canada day, as i do every year, but my in-laws were throwing their own party and since my father-in-law was being shipped out to Egypt the next day (military), i stayed to say goodbye.
(my fater-in-law and brother-in-law)

there was a beautiful strawberry cake that looked like the flag, which i couldn't eat, but there was some vegan food (mostly stuff i'd prepared)

Tom hid out in the basement from the heat and the merriment. there were no fireworks, but the kids played with sparklers, and walked away with only mild burns
(my nieces, nephew and mum-in-law)

oh, and there was entertainment, sadly, in the form of bagpipes (cuz you know, they're so Canadian
i have nothing against bagpipes, but i really hate the man who played them. he was the most asshole-ish of my customers when i was a bartender, once being quoted as saying (about me): "what the hell's with this place hiring all there nubile young wenches?"
yeah, that's huey
his 10 month old grandson got a hold of his wine ... good times!

as for my little guy, he went the whole day without a nap! he was like the energizer bunny, just kept playing and eating and running and screaming! he had a blast! pictured is his 2nd Canada Day outfit, since his first, more festive outfit got vomited on

i spent most of my time with my sister-in-law Kate. she's such a great person! i'm really lucky to be able to call her family, and a friend ... and dude, at-home mom with 3 kids? she's superwoman!!

surprisingly enough though, for a Canada Day with no booze (still breastfeeding), no fireworks, and a bunch of people i didn't know (and a bagpiper i don't like), i really had a great time!!
happy belated birthday Canada!!

so although i'm over a week late, happy Canada's birthday, everyone!

i wanted to go to my friend's place for Canada day, as i do every year, but my in-laws were throwing their own party and since my father-in-law was being shipped out to Egypt the next day (military), i stayed to say goodbye.
(my fater-in-law and brother-in-law)

there was a beautiful strawberry cake that looked like the flag, which i couldn't eat, but there was some vegan food (mostly stuff i'd prepared)

Tom hid out in the basement from the heat and the merriment. there were no fireworks, but the kids played with sparklers, and walked away with only mild burns
(my nieces, nephew and mum-in-law)

oh, and there was entertainment, sadly, in the form of bagpipes (cuz you know, they're so Canadian

i have nothing against bagpipes, but i really hate the man who played them. he was the most asshole-ish of my customers when i was a bartender, once being quoted as saying (about me): "what the hell's with this place hiring all there nubile young wenches?"

yeah, that's huey
his 10 month old grandson got a hold of his wine ... good times!

as for my little guy, he went the whole day without a nap! he was like the energizer bunny, just kept playing and eating and running and screaming! he had a blast! pictured is his 2nd Canada Day outfit, since his first, more festive outfit got vomited on

i spent most of my time with my sister-in-law Kate. she's such a great person! i'm really lucky to be able to call her family, and a friend ... and dude, at-home mom with 3 kids? she's superwoman!!

surprisingly enough though, for a Canada Day with no booze (still breastfeeding), no fireworks, and a bunch of people i didn't know (and a bagpiper i don't like), i really had a great time!!
happy belated birthday Canada!!

great pics! 

Haha wicked