it finally happened!! i knew it was just a matter of time, and today, it happened! i got my fucking tongue ring stuck in my lip ring!
i tried to call out for help, but all anyone could understand was "ungh! uh ung un uh ue ung!! uuuunng!!" so it took a few minutes before i got untangled! oh well, no harm, no foul!
today was weird (other than piercing mishaps) ... oz refused to nap. he almost napped at 7 pm, but 10 minutes of "i think he's finally passed out" doesn't really count as a nap! he's just finally gone to bed in the last 20 minutes
my mat leave is almost over. i don't know what to do. i don't feel ready to leave Oz all day (he's not even weaned off breastfeeding yet), and i don't know if my current job is still right for me since i'd be away from him so much (once you calculate in the commute). i might have to find something more local.
*sigh* such big decisions!
in other news, i'm feeling so much better about things between my husband and i. he'd been really distant for a couple of months and i was at my wit's end about it. finally one night, he woke up and just sat awake in bed, silent for about 20 minutes. then finally he mumbled, "i've been having bad dreams"
"that's terrible," i said. "what about?"
"i dreamed you want a divorce"
turns out he's been having this recurring dream a couple times a week for the past couple of months!! i coulda smacked him for not telling me sooner, but we talked, i reassured him, and things between us have been great since that night! i love my man
i still don't have any pics of my dreads for you all, because they're still only half done. my sister and i get really distracted while working on them, and Oz is a real pest (a real adorable pest, but a pest just the same), so the progress has been slow. but they'll get done, eventually!
well, i guess that's it for me today. i'll try to update my blog more often, but i tend to only find the time when i'm exhausted. but i'll try
i luv you all, and i leave you with this, Anila's set. look at it, it's shot by Cherry, it's pretty!

i tried to call out for help, but all anyone could understand was "ungh! uh ung un uh ue ung!! uuuunng!!" so it took a few minutes before i got untangled! oh well, no harm, no foul!
today was weird (other than piercing mishaps) ... oz refused to nap. he almost napped at 7 pm, but 10 minutes of "i think he's finally passed out" doesn't really count as a nap! he's just finally gone to bed in the last 20 minutes

my mat leave is almost over. i don't know what to do. i don't feel ready to leave Oz all day (he's not even weaned off breastfeeding yet), and i don't know if my current job is still right for me since i'd be away from him so much (once you calculate in the commute). i might have to find something more local.

*sigh* such big decisions!
in other news, i'm feeling so much better about things between my husband and i. he'd been really distant for a couple of months and i was at my wit's end about it. finally one night, he woke up and just sat awake in bed, silent for about 20 minutes. then finally he mumbled, "i've been having bad dreams"
"that's terrible," i said. "what about?"
"i dreamed you want a divorce"
turns out he's been having this recurring dream a couple times a week for the past couple of months!! i coulda smacked him for not telling me sooner, but we talked, i reassured him, and things between us have been great since that night! i love my man

i still don't have any pics of my dreads for you all, because they're still only half done. my sister and i get really distracted while working on them, and Oz is a real pest (a real adorable pest, but a pest just the same), so the progress has been slow. but they'll get done, eventually!

well, i guess that's it for me today. i'll try to update my blog more often, but i tend to only find the time when i'm exhausted. but i'll try

i luv you all, and i leave you with this, Anila's set. look at it, it's shot by Cherry, it's pretty!

I appreciated too much xoxo