my computer had been on the fritz for the better part of a week! i suspected foul play, but it seems to have fixed itself!

the suspect:
so the multi has been submitted, and will be posted to the hopefuls section via Melley's account by June 5th. don't get too excited, i'm warning you, the photography is mediocre, but Melley and i really had fun making it, so i hope you enjoy
my lip and tongue piercings are feeling much better! (but i'm still not able to play dentist with Oz)
i can now drink without a straw and only minimal spillage. i can also eat solids, i just have to chew slowly and carefully
so no more liquid and cheese diet for me ... in fact no more cheese for me. i read the book Skinny Bitch, and it was the motivation and information i needed to make the leap from vegetarian to vegan! i'm also cutting out sugar, caffeine, decaf coffee, pop, and bleached anything (whole grains for me). it's not nearly as hard as i thought it would be, and i'm actually finding it to be a lot of fun! i actually enjoy eating more than i did when i was omnivourous ... i think it's the "guilt free" part
my sister came over yesterday and started dreading my hair ... she'll finish the job on friday! i'm super excited to see the finished product!
bye bye regular hair!
my husband's best friend is apparantly good pals with an inspector of the local tattoo shops, so he's going to ask the guy to put in a good word for me to get my Trill spots at a reputable shop
this is what Oz thinks of Star Trek
Oz has been quite the handful lately! the walking isn't hard to deal with, it's the climbing!! and the sleeping, oh god, the sleeping!!
he woke up for four hours in the middle of the night over the weekend!! no reason behind it, just woke and wouldn't go back to sleep! then last night, he woke and screamed for twenty minutes straight!! he was inconsolable! i didn't know what to do! eventually he cried himself back to sleep
so i'm a tad sleep deprived, but i'm doing ok
as far as SG goes, Archie's set went live!! it's fucking amazing, so go check it out!!
Gidgette's set is still in hopefuls for some ridiculous reason! go give it some love and help it go live!
and of course, my fellow hopefuls have some amazing sets in review! please help them go pink! leave some love for:
Dawnyd1's Afternoon Delight
Agy's View From the 13th Floor
and finally Uva's Aluminum
love you all!!
Hug the Oz and that big, goofy lug that you call his daddy for me!