But that was pretty much the highlight of my week. I've moved and I'm really depressed about it, so if you don't want to be bummed out, don't read this next spoiler.
But I've got to say, I'm loving having a dishwasher! And the cats love the patio doors.
In other news, I'm a vegetarian again!! I started eating meat when I found out I was pregnant, and kept it up while breastfeeding. I know you can easily have a healthy pregnancy on even a vegan diet, but I'm dirt poor and if the only way I can afford to keep food for two in my stomach is by eating a burger, I'll eat a burger. But now Oz is nine months old and eating more and more baby food, not to mention that living with my in-laws I get tons of super healthy food for free, so I figured I didn't need to eat it any longer. yay me!
I'm very excited about this month's creative contest! I could try again for the video or the self shot, but I'm hoping I can shoot a multi (without crossing the border passport won't arrive in time ) that is, if I can find someone to shoot with! I was in the planning stages with one girl, then she went pink (yay for her, boo for plans), and I'm still in the planning stages with another lady, but neither of us can get out passports in time for the contest. So I guess I need to find a Canadian hopeful, or a non-Canadian who's got a passport! I've got one in mind, but with the number of hopefuls going pink with this new "set of the day" system, I don't think she'll be a hopeful much longer We'll see!
In the meantime, go check out Starla and Malloreigh's set Punk Love shot by the super sexy Cherry it's hotness
Yeah, i know eh?
But alas, I have to go to bed, because that's just how exciting my life is now
Love you all!! Kisses!
That set is too hot,.