so we're all getting over our colds! ... not out of the woods yet, but soon ... Oz and i just finished watching Ong Bak. i didn't think it would hold his interest since it's not very high contrast, but he seemed fairly entertained! (he's asleep now)
things seem to be a little better between my husband and i ... nothing big, just the little things, but it was the little things that had me upset in the first place ... i'm pretty happy right now
so i shot a video for the creative contest (the sexiest educational video part) but i'm not going to submit it ... sadly, the audio was really off
the whole time, it sounded like i had a terrible lisp!! and i tried shooting it at least 5 times ... it was full of disasters (tripping over cats, knocking over lighting, etc) and i squeezed into shoes two sizes too small cuz they are ever so sexy, and after all of that, i realise i just don't have the audio equipment to make it worthwhile
what a bummer!
oh well, self shot set, here i come ... i'm going to get a friend to take me out this week to shop for a few lighting supplies and such and hopefully, i'll have a set ready by the end of the week *crosses fingers*
speaking of the contest, there are some awesome contenders! for the most shocking set, i throw all my support behind Fatality for her set Volcanic Ruins

for the sexiest instructional video, i love Naty's Self Examnation of the Breasts (although i fear she won't win since she won last month's video contest)
and for the self shot contest, there are a few that are really great, such as Creide, Lovebird, and Leayona, but i think my mood sways me towards Steller's Grab a Chair

and finally, has anyone else noticed that today there's an unusual amount of sets going live? that makes me happy! last time SG did that, they had a bunch of limbo girls go live - it lasted a whole week!! there are a bunch of limbo girls i'm excited about
things seem to be a little better between my husband and i ... nothing big, just the little things, but it was the little things that had me upset in the first place ... i'm pretty happy right now

so i shot a video for the creative contest (the sexiest educational video part) but i'm not going to submit it ... sadly, the audio was really off

what a bummer!
oh well, self shot set, here i come ... i'm going to get a friend to take me out this week to shop for a few lighting supplies and such and hopefully, i'll have a set ready by the end of the week *crosses fingers*
speaking of the contest, there are some awesome contenders! for the most shocking set, i throw all my support behind Fatality for her set Volcanic Ruins

for the sexiest instructional video, i love Naty's Self Examnation of the Breasts (although i fear she won't win since she won last month's video contest)
and for the self shot contest, there are a few that are really great, such as Creide, Lovebird, and Leayona, but i think my mood sways me towards Steller's Grab a Chair

and finally, has anyone else noticed that today there's an unusual amount of sets going live? that makes me happy! last time SG did that, they had a bunch of limbo girls go live - it lasted a whole week!! there are a bunch of limbo girls i'm excited about
hope to see all you limbo ladies live soon!!
and good luck to all the contest applicants
love all you people out there in SG land
oh yaay so many great sets went live lately.. it's so hard to keep track of this.
but i'm glad that sg finally put some limbo girls on the frontpage.