last night was the full moon (and a lunar eclipse but i missed that part) and it was beautiful. the field in front of my building was filled with white light, and every little detail seemed crisp and clear.
this morning Oz peed all over the living room - fun times!!
on the weekend, if all turns out as planned, i'll be shooting a set with the sexy and skilled Khoos!! i'm very excited ... i really hope she can make it up here. so today i'm going shopping with Kracker09 for modelling supplies. he doesn't know it yet, but he's going to hate it! he'll be standing around holding Oz as i run in changerooms and try on lingerie!
ah well, it serves him right for breaking our plans on numerous ocasions
... but that's still a few hours off since Oz just went down for his nap!
since i have you here, please send some love to the sets i think should go up next on SCS
Reid's set think

and Dakota's set Outset

and my current favourite declined SG set, Scotty's Daydream Believer

and please don't forget to browse through the old hopeful sets, lest you miss some hidden gems, like my all time favourite hopeful, JennaLorraine with her set Martini and the City, shot by the lovely and talented Shazzy

this morning Oz peed all over the living room - fun times!!

on the weekend, if all turns out as planned, i'll be shooting a set with the sexy and skilled Khoos!! i'm very excited ... i really hope she can make it up here. so today i'm going shopping with Kracker09 for modelling supplies. he doesn't know it yet, but he's going to hate it! he'll be standing around holding Oz as i run in changerooms and try on lingerie!

since i have you here, please send some love to the sets i think should go up next on SCS
Reid's set think

and Dakota's set Outset

and my current favourite declined SG set, Scotty's Daydream Believer

and please don't forget to browse through the old hopeful sets, lest you miss some hidden gems, like my all time favourite hopeful, JennaLorraine with her set Martini and the City, shot by the lovely and talented Shazzy

Let us know how the shoot went!

I saw the beginning of the eclipse but it got all cloudy before I could see it in full. I was rather upset. I always seem to miss eclipses. POUTS.