my pets are acting really weird!
first Emma

the other night, she refused to sleep and sat instead infront of her full food dish, but ignored it and stared at the door all night! it was spooky weird. she's also been spending most of her time alone in empty rooms
then Krykkytt

this usually aloof cat has been unusually affectionate and love starved, going to family and strangers for attention and even letting the baby pull on her ears. for that matter, i even caught her being affectionate with ...

who for his part remained blissfully ignorant of his surroundings!
but he has been spending an unusual amount of time alone in the kitchen: in cupboards, in the sink, in front of the toaster ... it's so odd!
first Emma

the other night, she refused to sleep and sat instead infront of her full food dish, but ignored it and stared at the door all night! it was spooky weird. she's also been spending most of her time alone in empty rooms
then Krykkytt

this usually aloof cat has been unusually affectionate and love starved, going to family and strangers for attention and even letting the baby pull on her ears. for that matter, i even caught her being affectionate with ...

who for his part remained blissfully ignorant of his surroundings!

today i visited my parents (this is really weird for me ... it's like visiting an ex husband, or maybe like visiting an ex husband's parents) but it was strangely ok. my dad was limping around the house trying to convince everyone he hadn't just suffered a stroke. my mother and i spoke like equals and that was queer, but nice. she said i was a good woman
oh, and it's Krykkytt's birthday today! she's eight!!
Your pet's are oh so adorable!!!
I love your natural style