(which means an image heavy entry

the spyware from my computer is gone, my character was ressurected, and i've been doing a lot more art of late. i'll never be as good as this guy, but i think i'm improving!
In other news, Oz has had a taste of grown up food
so he's been doing less of this:
and more of this:
my sister has been looking for a new place, so she's a little cranky
but i did find out that the busses will accomodate my job once we move, so that's good news
i got a new bra
i lurve my new bra
oh, and Tom has an interview later today for a great job!!
so things are much better than Saturday
... sorry to everyone i depressed
we all know bad shit happens and we don't need me reminding us ... so ...
since you're here, please go says nice things about Bow's set Stolen Garden
and about RozDoss' set Tabs
not much on kids.... BUT! very cute baby!!!
Now we just have to make sure tabs gos live!