in Oz updates, he has two teeth now and they're sharp as all hell!
then there's what i really want to bitch about (the names of the people have been changed to protect their privacy ... except for me, cuz well, i don't care)
so saturday i was getting ready to go to my friend's engagement party (i didn't end up going to the lesbian lingerie party ). i was at my friend George's place to hang out for a while before heading off. our friend Rose was going to catch a ride with us.
now Rose's dad's Ben a creepy terrible icky man.not only did he make innapropriate comments towards me from the time i was 13 til, well, now, but when we were 17, he left Rose's mom for our friend Jenna who was also 17 (they have since broken up, but he still hangs around her, and needless to say that ended the friendship any of us shared with Jenna - you just DON"T do that sort of thing). but since Rose still wanted her dad in her life, i never told Ben or Jenna how i felt about what they'd done.
so Ben drops Rose off at George's place and he sees that i have Oz with me. he asks if he can bring someone in to meet Oz. i ask who and when he says Jenna, i pause, and then reply with, "You know, i really hate that bitch!"
so he left and i was happy and i thought that was the end of it. but then the face book stuff began (the first message he was so kind as to ALSO post on my wall!) oh, his english is kind of broken, bear with.
You are a TWO FACE who take advantage of Rose's kindness and have Jenna in your friend list yet you say you hate that bitch in front of other people and ..
to which i responded:
YOU betrayed not only your daughter's kindness but your wife's as well and destroyed your family. Jenna, may she get what's coming to her, added ME as a friend, and i simply didn't bother telling her to fuck off as i should have. i can if you'd like me to
Explain to me, if thats the way you feel about me , why the FUCK you asked me to add you. Beside you only call Rose when you want something and she is the one who always been there for you. You fucking around with other guys and cheated on your boyfriends may times may times in past and wear cloths and act like a SLUT......so FUCK OFF. Your are the last person who can tell us who nutty and who is nice. Merry Christ Mass Bitch.
that last message was full of lies and VERY outdated information so i didn't even answer it, i just reported the message and left it at that. i didn't tell Rose, but she found out anyway and apologised for her father's behavior. oh well, fuck him. he's a slimy cheating pedophile and i hope he castrates himself.
so, that was my weekend (late update i know, i've been busy being a mommy who doesn't sleep)