oh no! i've fainted twice in 24 hours!!
the Captain's upset because i won't do anything about it
i'm not really worried, and i know all doctors are quacks (gross exaggeration, many are capable, and most are very amiable on a personal level, but i have THE worst luck with doctors, so i have officially given up). they'll just blame it on my veganism, or... Read More
So I was just catching up on your blogs and all I have to say is...wow. Quite alot of life-changes. Don't know what else to say to any of it. The fainting thing could be serious though. People have been known to develop narcalepse later in life, so you never know.
hooray!! i'm so happy! after a month of unemployment qnd job hunting, my Captain finally landed a great job!!
it's a government job (of sorts) as a cook for CSIS (the Canadian version of the FBI)!! unfortunately that means he'll have to take out his piercings ... but we'll get some fishing line and it'll all be good!
last i left you, i'd just had a kick ass time at the pride parade. much has changed since then!!
three days after pride, i went to a high school tech crew reunion (yup, i'm an audio-visual geek) . it was great catching up with everyone, but near the end of the night, the restaurant's kitchen manager joined our group on the patio... Read More
***edited to add:
and that's probably the last time Tom and i will ever have sex, since we're getting a divorce ... ah life's many twists! he's getting custody of our son ... i'm couch surfing right now, so i'm not very SG accessible! love you all, and i'll check in whenever i can [/edit]
ah what's been new in my life ...
well, let's... Read More
FUCK YEAH! today i applied for my passport and apparently it takes only 10 business days to arrive in the mail! so happy! soon i'll be able to cross the border and shoot with oh so many photographers and hopefuls! woot woot!!
so Oz's birthday was a blast (for him anyway ... it was work for me, but a labor of love ) i made... Read More
Every Thursday and Friday, Oz goes to the sitter, because I work. But today, I have the day off, so I get to enjoy an afternoon alone ... and am I ever enjoying it ...
Goddamned porn store! Ever since I started back, I've been insatiably horny!! My sex drive has been like a force of nature! So of course when i realized I had... Read More
hail satan, at least facebook's good for something! my in-laws posted our Canada day pictures!
so although i'm over a week late, happy Canada's birthday, everyone!
i wanted to go to my friend's place for Canada day, as i do every year, but my in-laws were throwing their own party and since my father-in-law was being shipped out to Egypt the next day (military), i... Read More
Head to Blacks for the passport photo. That's what I did. You can take them out and put them back in all in the span of like 5 minutes.
And if you're trekking over the border come see me - I'll even shoot you It's only a 6 hour drive...
George Carlin has died! He passed away this morning at the age of 71 due to heart failure. He changed the face of entertainment and he'll be sorely missed!
So glad you got daycare that you are happy with (or as happy as you can be) for the little Oz man. I swear, I grin from ear to ear every time I see his pic. I have to take a trip to meet you guys. Time frame on a new set from you? I know - I'm one to talk, right? As soon as all my weight is gone, I will be shooting my brains out (ok, that didn't sound right?!?!). Luv ya doll and miss chatting. Good luck with the work thing, its hard...but you will get through it. We are strong women, right and we have kids. Just remember this equation: strong woman children = unstoppable. I remind myself of this everyday!
My sister Cygnes just got an account!!
i'm so happy she's on SG now!! she doesn't have a blog yet, but go check her out in the days to come; she's a total sweetie!!
i feel like i'm falling in love with my husband all over again!! we've been communicating so well lately (and having amazing sex, but surprisingly, i'm more excited about the communicating)... Read More