So music has been coming along well, almost have my album done, plus stuff for other people that can't seem to write their own music or want to pay me for my services, cheap ass musicians. I need a manager or someone to get the money I'm owed, I've got bills to pay, equipment to buy. I need to stop my bitching though, it's not as bad as it seems sometimes.
If there was ever a time for some good bud the time should be now, damn it's been dry up in this motherfucka. Anyone in the Austin area know of some good hookups? Either that or wanna smoke? hahaha ~peace
If there was ever a time for some good bud the time should be now, damn it's been dry up in this motherfucka. Anyone in the Austin area know of some good hookups? Either that or wanna smoke? hahaha ~peace
I know how you feel. The floods in Gerogia ruined all if the home grown mids, which is pretty much all you could get around here. So noq if you want weed you have to pay a lot more and go out of your way....My dealer is out of town to make it worse.
ts been a few months now... almost done with your album then?