Hmmm... Where the hell do I start, it's been so long since I have had a new post! I have been super busy here in the border town with work and such! Not busy enough to have a look at this tidal wave of super awesome sets that have been coming up! Holy shit such good work has been up for viewing pleasure! Great work girls! Also a whole shit ton of hopeful sets have been following these SG sets, again great to see! As an owner of a couple of SG clothing articles it's also nice to see that more and more people are asking me " is that a suicide girls shirt?" they seem to alway say shit like "awesome" and " fucken sweet man!" when I tell then " fuck yeah it is!" I wish this town had more sweet events to go to, because I keep having to drive to the nearest city to catch a good show and all! The next one I'm going to is "Gigantour" at least I think its called that? Any who can't wait to see Volbeat again and Motrhead and Megadeth as well! Boom! So stoked! Did I mention Lacuna Coil also! Fuck yes! Welll time to blast off again talk to yah soon SG land! ( hopefully!)
thanks for the add
have a gr8 day

So, I've decided to go through my friends list here on SG and see how many people on it are still active on the site and say Hello to the ones that are. So Hello!