Holy eff! It has been a long time since I posted a new blog! Well where should I start? Umm... First of all I have stepped down from my reign as supreme commander of party central in Buffalo Narrows and have moved five hours south to Lloydminster, have been here for almost two months now! Still fixing planes for the same company. We have just opened up a new base here in Lloyd. Things have gone very well so far, not too many hiccups. All things being considered this is really awesome since our company is expanding! Expansions are always good if you plan it properly! As far as that goes I am in the process of starting my own aircraft repair station here in the same hangar! This has been a little stressful, but I know I'm going to encounter even worse stresses once I am in full swing! However I do need ideas for a logo, the name is gonna be (if the name search works out for businesses in Canada) " Aces Aviation". Since I love the colour black, my van is getting painted flat black. Fuck it everything black! Haha. So far the logo I'm thinking of is a stout spade (white), with an airplane circling it as if it was a globe. My brother slings ink in Calgary and I'll probably give the idea to him and he'll draw it up for me! Since I put all my artistic ability into the sheet metal repairs I do I have absolutely no other talents lmao! Well maybe a couple, but that's it. Fuck me running, I miss buffalo even though it was in the middle of goddamn nowhere! It was just right for me! Any ways! Peace out for now!

Thank you so much for the comment on my new set ''Le vent nous portera'' <3