Hello everybody!!! Well its that time of year again! Thanksgiving! Yay turkey for all! I think its kinda strange that we have a different date for thanksgiving as the US...Hmmmm. I guess that it is even not really a Canadian holiday and more of an american holiday. Weird? Be it as it may we can still be thankful for lots of things. However this is the third one that i have not been able to make it home for ! Booooooo... oh well i guess a guys gotta work to make the rest of them count in the future! In a couple of weeks i do get to take a fantastic 10 day holiday! Im going to Edmonton to see some old friends that i havent seen for a while, and it's a visit long overdue! Then for the rest of the time off I'm going to go to my hometown to see more friends and more importantly see my fam! Man i cant wait, it's the break i've been waiting for soooooooooo sooooo long. Only taking 6 days off in two and a half years is fricken retarted! Anyways Happy thanksgiving to all who are enjoying it this weekend! 

Well, my family is across the country, maybe next year.
Hi there