Hmmmmm....alls i wanna do is go on a ferry flight or two with a couple of our planes to Mexia, Texas! We have been dealing with this company there for a while. My boss and roomate go down and do buisiness and party small town style on a regular schedule it seems like! You may ask what small town style is? To me its having a few drinks and blacking out around 8:00 - 8:30 then getting up and going back to work again sometimes to just do it all over again! This is what aviation is all about! You meet people, drink with them then the next time you see them you do it all over again. Is this what "blogging" is all about? Writing down random stuff for people to see and comment on? Im new to this awesome site and to blogging! So i'll continue... I have been invited to this "fest" down south. But am having trouble with a little meaningless (lol) document called a passport! Imagine that. For some reason here in Canada when you let one expire and you've move around a bunch for work (in aviation the glory is in the strangest places), its hard to renew. Thus I am now fighting this battle finding references and such. Living in a small town in the middle of nowhere does that i guess. Buffalo Narrows, pop. 700. And damn is it COLD here fight now!
More Blogs
Sunday Oct 10, 2010
Hello everybody!!! Well its that time of year again! Thanksgiving! Ya… -
Monday Sep 13, 2010
Hmmm...where to start? So many things are happening right now! First … -
Sunday Aug 15, 2010
Frick am i sick! I again have been reminded that partying all fricken… -
Tuesday Jun 22, 2010
So some exciting stuff has happend since i have posted another blog! … -
Thursday May 27, 2010
OK! Sooo, i live in this complex here in buffalo narrows. They are...… -
Monday May 10, 2010
So its been awhile since i have had the chance to post a new blog! th… -
Monday Apr 19, 2010
WoooHooo! Party time! So im a gettin older and this weekend i celebra… -
Monday Apr 12, 2010
Whoo Hoo! just bought myself a new toy! A SIG P226 9mm!!!! Look out z… -
Monday Apr 05, 2010
So her i am sitting at home waiting for something to happen!… -
Saturday Mar 13, 2010
Soooo...Here i am in a pub in Lloydminister smashing gin's like they'…