yesterday i went out to lunch at blue c. sushi with kbation.. it was pretty rad.. after the food we went back to my place and watched Ginger Snackes Back: The Beginning (prequal in the ginger snaps trilogy)..
my sister turned 26 yesterday so the family went out to dinner to 'celebrate'... she was really excited to open my present cuz this si the first year i've ever bought her a gift with my own money.. i got her a pair of the charcol/grey converse cuz ever since i got my red ones shes wanted a pair... i was shocked when i saw how she liked my gift better than the nice fancy pair of shoes my mom got her...
go figure..
Goonies Event Reminder
my sister turned 26 yesterday so the family went out to dinner to 'celebrate'... she was really excited to open my present cuz this si the first year i've ever bought her a gift with my own money.. i got her a pair of the charcol/grey converse cuz ever since i got my red ones shes wanted a pair... i was shocked when i saw how she liked my gift better than the nice fancy pair of shoes my mom got her...
go figure..
Goonies Event Reminder

"Pretty rad"? Not "rad"?... I'm disappointed. I thought it was rad. 

I get off at 6pm. How late will you all be at the troll?