ok i'm jsut gonna go over the whole weekend today...
-finished reading chuck palahnuik's "diary"
-miketheevil1 met me after school and we hung out
-MIKETHEEVIL1 BOUGHT ME AN AUTOGRAPHED COPY OF CUCK PALAHNUIK'S NEW BOOK "HAUNTED".. (he's my favorite author so its a really big deal for me..
-friend isaac picked me up
-isaac and i went and saw the longest yard
-went back to my house
-isaac and i went to the broadway grill..(never new it existed btu ti has the best food for really cheap!)
-went back to my house and watched jaws with isaac
-went to northgate with sister
-plans got cancelled at the last minute with a friend
-got hair done with sister
-plans canceled by another friend
-shopping at u-village
-moped aorund at home
-back to u-village and dad bought me clothes
-had my bro-in-law drive me home right after we got seated at the resaraunt cuz i was sick
-watched exorcist: the beginning all by myself
-stayed up until 2 or 3 playing online poker and checkers
-hung out aroudn the house
-went and hung out at Evnas place
-watched interview the the vampire (but didnt finish it) with evnas
-met MrTom at pacific place
-went and saw lords fo dogtown with MrTom..(fuckign rad movie!!)
-got picked up by bro-in-law and talked on the phone with miketheevil1 the whole way home and then some
-started writing on my sg thing
CATS HAVE OVER 100 VOCAL SOUNDS!!!..(compliments of my snapple cap)

-finished reading chuck palahnuik's "diary"
-miketheevil1 met me after school and we hung out
-MIKETHEEVIL1 BOUGHT ME AN AUTOGRAPHED COPY OF CUCK PALAHNUIK'S NEW BOOK "HAUNTED".. (he's my favorite author so its a really big deal for me..
-friend isaac picked me up
-isaac and i went and saw the longest yard
-went back to my house
-isaac and i went to the broadway grill..(never new it existed btu ti has the best food for really cheap!)
-went back to my house and watched jaws with isaac

-went to northgate with sister
-plans got cancelled at the last minute with a friend
-got hair done with sister
-plans canceled by another friend
-shopping at u-village
-moped aorund at home
-back to u-village and dad bought me clothes
-had my bro-in-law drive me home right after we got seated at the resaraunt cuz i was sick
-watched exorcist: the beginning all by myself
-stayed up until 2 or 3 playing online poker and checkers

-hung out aroudn the house
-went and hung out at Evnas place
-watched interview the the vampire (but didnt finish it) with evnas
-met MrTom at pacific place
-went and saw lords fo dogtown with MrTom..(fuckign rad movie!!)
-got picked up by bro-in-law and talked on the phone with miketheevil1 the whole way home and then some
-started writing on my sg thing


CATS HAVE OVER 100 VOCAL SOUNDS!!!..(compliments of my snapple cap)