i'm in a really bad fuckign mood..
i have cramps like non-other and i like cant even fucking move they hurt so bad..
and my rents r being assholes..all i want right now is some fuckign subway and they r such assholes they wont be ncie and go get it for me, even when i said i would give them money!!..
i'm gonna go crawl into a hole now and die
miketheevil1 countdown
: 1day!!
i have cramps like non-other and i like cant even fucking move they hurt so bad..
and my rents r being assholes..all i want right now is some fuckign subway and they r such assholes they wont be ncie and go get it for me, even when i said i would give them money!!..
miketheevil1 countdown
i can't bring you subway, but here's some in the background!
P.S. my skin doesnt always look that good , I was having a no zit day!