wats up my lovlies?
oh how i have missed looking at ur lovlie faces..i have felt very crippled and shit to the point where i've been slackin off on my journal entries...
but ANYWAYS...
yeah i really really really hope i can go see tiger army..mostly just cuz i wanna hang out with sarahjane and kahlua cuz they r hot and rad as fuck...
-le sign-......if only i could be as wicked as them..
right now i'm watchin Shrek 2 with my grandparents..and my sister and her husband...i love this movie and its sexual inuendos(sp?)...
dude...frito scoops and nachos r fuckin awesome!..especially with cheese dip..mm mm good..
and for dinner...lasagna!!
i feel very lucky right now..good movie, good company, AND GOOD FOOD!!..which of course is most important
well...back to the movie on fritos..
have a wickedly rad day biotches!!

oh how i have missed looking at ur lovlie faces..i have felt very crippled and shit to the point where i've been slackin off on my journal entries...
but ANYWAYS...
yeah i really really really hope i can go see tiger army..mostly just cuz i wanna hang out with sarahjane and kahlua cuz they r hot and rad as fuck...

right now i'm watchin Shrek 2 with my grandparents..and my sister and her husband...i love this movie and its sexual inuendos(sp?)...
dude...frito scoops and nachos r fuckin awesome!..especially with cheese dip..mm mm good..
and for dinner...lasagna!!

well...back to the movie on fritos..

have a wickedly rad day biotches!!

thats all