I'm almost done with another one of those Butterfly lace camisoles and have just realized that if I hadn't had to stop knitting for a couple days to let my tendonitis settle down I could have cranked this thing out in the space of a week. Additionally, I have memorized the ridiculously complex double-sided lace pattern for the hem frill and have only had to refer to the pattern at all to be certain of size-related numbers. Did I mention I learned to knit backwards just so I could knit the straps for these things faster?
For all of you who don't knit, that basically means I've become the absolute master of this goddamned pattern.
You can have a picture when it's done, because lace looks like shit before it's blocked.

For all of you who don't knit, that basically means I've become the absolute master of this goddamned pattern.
You can have a picture when it's done, because lace looks like shit before it's blocked.
If you were a Tim Burton film, you'd be Alukh Needlefingers. FACT.