I finally got around to taking a picture of the purple sweater. Unfortunately, I then had to return the tripod I was borrowing to its rightful owner, so it's back to haphazard camera angles and blurry photos for me for awhile, unless someone feels like surprising me with a tripod for my birthday.
Trivia: I need more purple clothes. Have I mentioned this before? Because I do. Slowly I work to rectify the shortage of purple garments in my wardrobe.
Yes, I know there are no felted (fulled, whatever) objects in this entry. I'm not going to fuck with them until tomorrow, when they will most assuredly be fully dry. Besides, I still have to sew a zipper into the messenger bag and make the straps connect. I'm also considering lining it, as I don't particularly fancy getting my belongings all fuzzy. I may just shave it instead.