I don't know who re-activated my account, or if it's just SG trying to get people to join back in smile, but thanks either way. Love this site love love love biggrin
Hope everyone has a great Xmas, time to spend 2 days with the folks. Joy!!
Thanks for loving my set smile
HI !
Well that's it. Hols are over and back to wearing a suit and driving all over the country. Fun fun fun. One of these days I'll work out a way to get money for free and not work another day. It's good to be a dreamer!

My New Year's resolution is to get back up to Nottingham rock city a lot more. Man i miss...
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Happy Christmas to everyone. I'm off to stay with the olds for a few days. Looking forward to some good food and a hell of a lot of booze! biggrin
I'm off to Preston tomorrow. One of my good friends is having his stag do. I'm trying to think of evil things to do to him! I have no idea what Preston is like though, all I know is it's up North! Well I guess even up North they must have lamp posts to chain people too.... shocked
I have the worst hangover ever puke blackeyed

I swear I am never drinking again.....ever
i would have liked to have seen sublime. earlier this year i saw long beach short bus, which is parts of sublime, and they played some sublime songs, it was fun!
Thanks a million thanks for the compliment on my rejected set! kiss
Been ages since I updated this. What can i say, I've been to Australia working and then in London working. I'm exhausted and trying to get some lazy time in before I go to America after xmas! Too much work going on mad
Spent all week in the city (I love going to london for work but after a couple of days i love being able to leave wink) at a boring IT show. Evenings were good spent loads of the companies money getting drunk tongue.
It's sooo nice to be back at home now tho, i'm exhausted and can't wait to hit my bed.....
hahaha that is pretty damn good! i am like that though, my housemates get well pissed off when i dont get up, i stay in my pj's allllllll day and do nothing, i even miss afternoon lectures because im still in my pants and cant be bothered to get dressed!! id so kick your ass in a lazy competition...

1. because im well lazy
2. because ive got nothing better to do
3. because im a girl

tongue kiss
HAHAHAHAHAHA you rule!!!! i fully admire your laziness! hahaha i am totally the female version of you! i proper think in the same frame of mind, wots the point in goin now, im already 5mins later...and im probs not gonna listen and fall asleep at the back of the lecture theatre anyways! i cant be arsed to look for work experience...and even though ive got a job...at co-op late shop! woohoo! i still fone in sick every week...my boss makes me feel bad for it and tells me that they proper proper need me so then i get a guilty feeling and force myself to go in!
