So.. first post in a while. Everything has changed, mostly for the better, but felt like I just lived a decade in less than one year. Decided to take up photography on the side, as well as small video production project. Hope all is well with those still have me on thier friends liet. Here are some sample pics.
More Blogs
Wednesday Nov 30, 2005
Bored, but busy. Should be doing homework or paying attention in clas… -
Sunday Nov 20, 2005
Ok, I have to write something... this is what I am currently working … -
Sunday Nov 13, 2005
I now find mysefl with much-needed time on my hands, but the list is … -
Wednesday Nov 02, 2005
I wish i had more time to post. finals coming up.. to much stuff. n… -
Tuesday Nov 01, 2005
I''ll answer that questionaire thing in a minute. Life never cease… -
Tuesday Oct 25, 2005
In the midst of working at 4:00 am at school, a message came, bearing… -
Tuesday Oct 18, 2005
sad day, tomorrow will be better. hopefully more beautiful thu… -
Wednesday Oct 12, 2005
woo hoo! How did I ever go so long without pics of such wonderful, pe… -
Wednesday Sep 28, 2005
Hmm.. update time. There is little of me left for an soapbox tirade o… -
Sunday Sep 25, 2005
Nevermind what I have to say, there are more important matters at han…