Why is it that my friends are always trying to drop their problems on me and make me come to them and cart their asses around at all times? I mean I love Kelly do death most of the time but she gets into an argument with a guy today and he insults her and she gets pissed calls me and wants me to come get her. i want her to calm down first because she's supposed to be babysitting a 3 year old. So she gets mad and says: "If you're not gonna help me, i'm out."
WTF is that shit?! I never said I wasn't going to help but I certainly wasn't going to run out go get her and then her mom call and bitch that she left the 3 year old by herself. Come on now, grow up some. There was no one else there to watch the girl and she wants me to come get just her. No, aint gonna happen. I'm sick of the drama, I just start hanging out with Kelly again and poof the drama starts right back up. This is why I don't hang out with most people or have a lot of friends because for some odd reason they all wanna dump their problems on me screaming fix it and then run away and drop off the face of the earth the minute I have a problem. I'm not playing these games and i'm going to make it very clear when I tell all of my friends this because its childish and we've graduated from high school, grow the fuck up.
Sorry for my rant but I needed to get it out. I'm feeling a little down and it just kinda sucks right now...Dun worry just feel like maybe I need a good cry. -shrugs- If some of you are going to worry that much IM my yahoo or msn and ask for my phone number. If I know you well enough i'll give it to you because I really don't feel like sitting here at the comp all night but I leave my messengers signed in. Now this is in no way a plea for help or anything i'm just saying if you're gonna worry 'til you can actually hear me say "I'm ok." then i'm not going to argue about that. That's just how some people are. Anyways i'm off to make dinner...
Mmmm Pizza Bread.
WTF is that shit?! I never said I wasn't going to help but I certainly wasn't going to run out go get her and then her mom call and bitch that she left the 3 year old by herself. Come on now, grow up some. There was no one else there to watch the girl and she wants me to come get just her. No, aint gonna happen. I'm sick of the drama, I just start hanging out with Kelly again and poof the drama starts right back up. This is why I don't hang out with most people or have a lot of friends because for some odd reason they all wanna dump their problems on me screaming fix it and then run away and drop off the face of the earth the minute I have a problem. I'm not playing these games and i'm going to make it very clear when I tell all of my friends this because its childish and we've graduated from high school, grow the fuck up.
Sorry for my rant but I needed to get it out. I'm feeling a little down and it just kinda sucks right now...Dun worry just feel like maybe I need a good cry. -shrugs- If some of you are going to worry that much IM my yahoo or msn and ask for my phone number. If I know you well enough i'll give it to you because I really don't feel like sitting here at the comp all night but I leave my messengers signed in. Now this is in no way a plea for help or anything i'm just saying if you're gonna worry 'til you can actually hear me say "I'm ok." then i'm not going to argue about that. That's just how some people are. Anyways i'm off to make dinner...
Mmmm Pizza Bread.
aparently you're one of those people who can handle shit so people dump it on you.

a good cry does you good sometimes i know i do it sometimes !!!!!!!!!!