Ok so the apartment RAWKS. Been here two weeks and im still loving it. Not exactly unpacked yet but it'll get there eventually. Jordan is finally here and i'm happy as all fucking hell. Sometimes I wonder if its too good to be true. I guess i'll just have to wait and find out won't I? I'm sore as all hell and saturday's rock. They rock more than they used to. It'll end up being friday nights too.
I ended up waking up to a flood this morning was late to work cause well I had to clean it up. For those of you that don't even know there is a tile in my ceiling that is sagging downwards because it is full of water, I mean its a fucking sponge I swear. Fucking land lady didn't return my call on friday because she wasn't sure what I meant. Mom got a hold of her today and when her husband gets back from wherever he went he's going to come over and fix it sometime. Well at least it'll get fixed. It didn't take as long as I thought to clean it up but well heh still wasn't feeling the greatest and I really didn't wanna go to work today but I went anyways. Ya I wish it was friday. I'd get to sleep in and not have to worry about going to work. But then i'd have to wake up saturday and go which fucking sucks but hey I wouldn't be able to afford this damn apartment now would I?
So that's my update. Isn't it lovely?
I ended up waking up to a flood this morning was late to work cause well I had to clean it up. For those of you that don't even know there is a tile in my ceiling that is sagging downwards because it is full of water, I mean its a fucking sponge I swear. Fucking land lady didn't return my call on friday because she wasn't sure what I meant. Mom got a hold of her today and when her husband gets back from wherever he went he's going to come over and fix it sometime. Well at least it'll get fixed. It didn't take as long as I thought to clean it up but well heh still wasn't feeling the greatest and I really didn't wanna go to work today but I went anyways. Ya I wish it was friday. I'd get to sleep in and not have to worry about going to work. But then i'd have to wake up saturday and go which fucking sucks but hey I wouldn't be able to afford this damn apartment now would I?
So that's my update. Isn't it lovely?

I like Dark New Day..im downloading some stuff of them off Morpheus...they have a song on WWE Raw vs Smackdow 2006...Yeah ive been kinda feeling horny... nah im from PA