Why?? whhhhhy? are you some form of Sadist The levels of stupidity and arrogance I've had to deal with in retail are astronomical, there must be a well good reason for you loving it.
Just a quick one as I have a BIG update for you later
I'm selling a Reading weekend ticket (with camping, early bird and coach) on eBay. I need to sell it asap, so it's listed at face value. If you really wanna go then go buy it now and help me out!
I would go if I was nearer Reading but I'm elsewhere, it should sell fairly quickly though.
I have a question for you, were you at Tattoo jam in Donny?? I think I saw you
The past couple of days have been rough for me, more mentally than anything. But I'm slowly pulling myself together and I've set myself some targets which are helping me focus. I've found a new flatmate, so we're going flathunting today which will be AWESOME. I think i've got to that point in life now where it's time to fly the nest. I need my... Read More
Read you're last blog, sorry for that and good to see you're feeling more yourself. Good luck on the house hunt (I'm doing that too at the mo). As for msn....well I've always found it a strange beast that I barely keep passified with ham fisted efforts at keeping the sucker going.
I got dumped today, and I feel like absolute shit
Just when you think you've found someone really nice....they go and crush you. I knew I shouldn't have opened up to someone again.
yeah i know, like for instance my ex who broke up with me over 5 months ago called last night to tell me she still had feeling for me...!?! HEAD FUCK! ooo aaa