So for christmas I got one BADASS camera lense 70-300 God Im just dying to use it. And I got a new light meter. My family and friends seemed to love their gifts as well... I really hope they did.

Now that christmas is over I can finally relax.
Im headin up to RI to spend christmas with the family. Dont really feel to well. I think Im catchin a stomach virus blah puke
Almost done with christmas shopping. >.< I went out and bought my brother some designer jeans almost as expensive as my diesels but not quite. While I was there I saw the most amazing pair of jeans for 180 dollars. GOD they were sexy. hehe <<<This is why my friends call me fashion police haha what a loser I am.

So I found out that...
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try to stay in touch with him, and start making new friends.
Whoooooooooo loves turkey?! I know I do. I also love my grandmothers home made wedding soup. mmmm Had a great time at thanksgiving up in RI and now Im home and dealing with drama with some friends. lovely. Well this is what I get I guess.
yes i did. Still do in fact...
Having a cold sucks puke I cant stop from coughing and blowing my nose >.< But I still for some reason insist on going to work today. Oh well. I am gonna try to survive the heavy lifting and what not. Thanksgiving should be fun I get to see my parents smile up in RI