thanks to finally getting better medicines sorted out I was able to do my first comic con in years last weekend 🥹🖤 it’s amazing to really REALLY genuinely smile in photos again! I’d love to do some cosplay sets in the future, somehow I feel more myself when I’m dressing up as anyone but 😂💕
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What does pride mean to you?
For me pride is standing in the face of what’s against you, despite being beaten and bruised. It’s the courage you have within yourself to know who you are and what’s best for you
I don’t think it’s an easy thing to obtain or keep, to be prideful is to reason with your inner critic and politely correct them
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The nerdiest thing I’m into?
easy! RC drifting without a doubt, it tickles my nerdy pickle in all the right spots
here’s the Subaru BRZ body I made last year before I totally destroyed it, that LED kit lasted 5 minutes!
Every Friday we meet up in a hall, set up a track and rag the RC’s round. at the end of the 7 week
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I didn’t think I’d wake up to so much love 😭 my emails are absolutely flooded tysm all! I’ll work my way through comments, messages and so on today! Y’all make me wanna cry happy tears 🥹🖤
Super excited for Halloween!! I’m thinking of going as an Edgerunner or my own play throughs version of V from Cyberpunk for Halloween this year! Ngl I’ve absolutely fallen in love with that franchise!
@kungfury tagged me in a lil Halloween this or that! So it’s a perfect opportunity for you to learn a lil bit more about me 👀
1. Sour ALWAYS! I rarely
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I’m having a sale on my onlyfans for the next 3 days! I’m trying to hit 100 subs by the time the current heatwave ends! (Roughly 3 days :P)
you get a free pic upon subscribing, free messages and atleast one upload per day!
So after roughly 9 months of disappearing I’m properly back, I’m shooting my first set in like two years on Thursday and I’m unbelievably excited! In those 9 months a lot has changed!
For instance meet my two new favourite hobbies:
I’ve also taken up home improvements so everything from plastering to flooring to painting but I’m having to...
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