Hi al!
Sorry about this but i really need to vent. I found out today that the army cadet corp that i volunteer to help run as administration officer, well our supply store was broken into and about 10,000.00 dollars worth of equipment, uniforms and such that the kids need this year have been stolen. Another 2000.00 to 4000.00 dollars worth was destroyed by feeses, urine, and blood. I cant believe there are people out there who would do that to kids. We are having a hard enough time here to keep the corp runing and such with 0 support from the canadian army, or the army cadet league, or the legion here. We were so good last year to have the top 2 cadets in all of alberta, we came in 5th out of 30 cadet corps in drill competions, 3rd the year before. So i have decided to pull myself out of the fire department and dedicate my time for the cadets and try to get some sponsers for the corp from people around the town and such.
anyway thanks for letting me vent a bit. hopefully ill have something better to write later
Sorry about this but i really need to vent. I found out today that the army cadet corp that i volunteer to help run as administration officer, well our supply store was broken into and about 10,000.00 dollars worth of equipment, uniforms and such that the kids need this year have been stolen. Another 2000.00 to 4000.00 dollars worth was destroyed by feeses, urine, and blood. I cant believe there are people out there who would do that to kids. We are having a hard enough time here to keep the corp runing and such with 0 support from the canadian army, or the army cadet league, or the legion here. We were so good last year to have the top 2 cadets in all of alberta, we came in 5th out of 30 cadet corps in drill competions, 3rd the year before. So i have decided to pull myself out of the fire department and dedicate my time for the cadets and try to get some sponsers for the corp from people around the town and such.
anyway thanks for letting me vent a bit. hopefully ill have something better to write later
...and sorry to get off topic, but your post really got to me...I can't believe people could do something that disgusting and degrading...bah! I better stop before I go on a rant, hehe. Do the Cadets take any donations? I wish I could do something to help...