as i sit here tonight, after surfing SG for about 4 hours now, i have come to some conclusions.
1. there are so many beautiful women how the hell can one only chose 20 to be their favorates?
2. the comunity here in sg is in the most part very supportive. i only wish that we could be a bit more honest in our talkings with eachother and such. i notice that when one is honest other people seem to jump down on them and call them names and say that they are being "mean"
3. there are alot of little "social groups" here to. sometimes its so bad i feel like im back in jr high school and high school
4. i have had the honor of meeting alot of extremely WONDERFUL people here in SG. in high school and such i was always the "loner", the guy that everyone picked on and pretty well made my life a living hell. **which could explain partly why im so shy in rl, and have NO self esteme what so ever, and why i hate my self as much as i do**
5. everytime i get a coment or a sg email my heart pounds and i feel so uplifted that i feel that ill be floating off this chair!! hehhe
6. the groups section of this is cool, even though i seem to change from one group to another but thats part of the of fun here!
7. i have met some amazing people from over seas that i truely and deeply hope that one day i will get to meet face to face.
8. my american friends: you have opened my eyes towards your country and the people in your country. i am so glad i got the chance to meet you and call you friends
9. my fellow canadians: you make me proud! truely the beautiful women here who are from canada and seeing how people seem to gush over how beautiful and friendly you are. keep up the great work!!
10. even though SG seems to mess up once in awhile when changing thier format, overall i am proud to be here and have a membership.
okie enuff of that . i went to the doc today. yeah. got chewed out. he had 2 major concerns and 1 happy news for me
concern 1: my blood sugar levels are still extremely high and he really really wants me to work harder ((diet and exercise)) in controling it. i told him i would
concern 2" my cholesterol. shit im on pills now to try to help control it. it boils down that i have ot eat better. i told him my life has pretty well been hell the last 2 months so i converted back to my old ways, but now that my life is better ((not awesome yet)) that i will smarten up big time. i better. or ill die early.
happy news: well after another blood test, he was happy to tell me the HIV scare i was under has been lifted. i am clean clean clean!!!!! of course ill be giving blood every 2 months for the next 2 years to make sure but he figures im free and clear ((so that means i still use protection when wanking!!!! LOL anyway sorry poor joke here sigh))
well i start night shift tommorrow night. stocking shelves. god this sucks. what i make in 1 week doing this i made in a day and half in the oilfield. i cant wait till break up is over. i need to make good cash
well i guess ill talk to you all later!!! hugs to you all and thanks for listening to me ramble on and on and on and on....................
1. there are so many beautiful women how the hell can one only chose 20 to be their favorates?
2. the comunity here in sg is in the most part very supportive. i only wish that we could be a bit more honest in our talkings with eachother and such. i notice that when one is honest other people seem to jump down on them and call them names and say that they are being "mean"
3. there are alot of little "social groups" here to. sometimes its so bad i feel like im back in jr high school and high school
4. i have had the honor of meeting alot of extremely WONDERFUL people here in SG. in high school and such i was always the "loner", the guy that everyone picked on and pretty well made my life a living hell. **which could explain partly why im so shy in rl, and have NO self esteme what so ever, and why i hate my self as much as i do**
5. everytime i get a coment or a sg email my heart pounds and i feel so uplifted that i feel that ill be floating off this chair!! hehhe
6. the groups section of this is cool, even though i seem to change from one group to another but thats part of the of fun here!
7. i have met some amazing people from over seas that i truely and deeply hope that one day i will get to meet face to face.
8. my american friends: you have opened my eyes towards your country and the people in your country. i am so glad i got the chance to meet you and call you friends
9. my fellow canadians: you make me proud! truely the beautiful women here who are from canada and seeing how people seem to gush over how beautiful and friendly you are. keep up the great work!!
10. even though SG seems to mess up once in awhile when changing thier format, overall i am proud to be here and have a membership.
okie enuff of that . i went to the doc today. yeah. got chewed out. he had 2 major concerns and 1 happy news for me
concern 1: my blood sugar levels are still extremely high and he really really wants me to work harder ((diet and exercise)) in controling it. i told him i would
concern 2" my cholesterol. shit im on pills now to try to help control it. it boils down that i have ot eat better. i told him my life has pretty well been hell the last 2 months so i converted back to my old ways, but now that my life is better ((not awesome yet)) that i will smarten up big time. i better. or ill die early.
happy news: well after another blood test, he was happy to tell me the HIV scare i was under has been lifted. i am clean clean clean!!!!! of course ill be giving blood every 2 months for the next 2 years to make sure but he figures im free and clear ((so that means i still use protection when wanking!!!! LOL anyway sorry poor joke here sigh))
well i start night shift tommorrow night. stocking shelves. god this sucks. what i make in 1 week doing this i made in a day and half in the oilfield. i cant wait till break up is over. i need to make good cash
well i guess ill talk to you all later!!! hugs to you all and thanks for listening to me ramble on and on and on and on....................
i am selling prints. remembered you might want one. they are on my blog. will be mailing them out on the 25th. if you are still down check them out!
Thank you for the comment on my graduation! I like SG, too. I understand what you mean about not speaking your mind, though. I've done it and have been told I was mean. It happens, though.