Hey folks! Alright, I'm back after getting my heart broken by said hardcore boy, and am looking to expand my horizons. I'm also looking to explore the world of ladies, but all of courtship tricks exist in the world of the heteros, so I'm a little lost. Let me know of any tips you have!
More Blogs
Monday Dec 27, 2004
Oh, yikes. So I started things up with the ex just as my social li… -
Monday Dec 20, 2004
So I got four of my five projected grades back...two A's and two B+s.… -
Thursday Dec 16, 2004
So this must be the sickest I've ever been, though I've done more now… -
Tuesday Dec 14, 2004
Oh my god. I was just completely delerious and it scared the hell … -
Monday Dec 13, 2004
So I (finally) made it to the doctor today, if you can count Student … -
Friday Dec 10, 2004
Sweet. I realized last night that I could turn the paper I was writi… -
Wednesday Dec 08, 2004
What to say but more of the same? School, work, sick, papers...one m… -
Monday Dec 06, 2004
So I'm in the process of realizing why I've been so unmotivated this … -
Monday Dec 06, 2004
Sick, sick, sick. Yuck. There's nothing worse than being sick, espe… -
Tuesday Nov 30, 2004
So I just had the best damn Thanksgiving of my life...good friends, g…
i can't help you there
if you do want
to meet like-minded
relaxed intellectuals
to hang out with
in iowa city
let's chat
like your profile
dig liberalism
dig feminism
(in that i believe
in equal rights
for *everyone*)
dig ganja
where do you
hang out
around here??
mailed ya
talk to you soon