Well last weekend we bought a 19" flat screen/widscreen monitor that cost us $229. We got the computer up and running and next time we get paid or the time after that we plan on getting DSL. Then I'll be more active on here, but for now I just get on here and there whenever I have access really.

Hope all is well with the...
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ty. hope all is well with you. wink
Sadly the cat we adopted died.

The history:

My husbands mom feeds stray cats outside the house, and there's one called Mr. Squeakers....well it's a long haired cat. They call it Mr. Squeakers because they think that as a kitten the owners put a collar on it and soon there after abandoned it...as the cat grew older the collar got tighter and eventually crushed the...
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Saturday I got my labret pierced (see pictures), Steven did it for me. It's still in the process of healing and such. Of course all the people I work with hated it and said I would have looked better with a small diamond in my nose but oh well ya know.

Now our goal is to buy a flat screen monitor and Windows XP so...
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Well Steven and I went into Tulsa today to try and find a decent looking dress for me to wear for our wedding on Thursday, but no such luck.

We did however get a really funny toy, a bird that says "Hey Polly wants a fucking cracker" and alot of other vulgar things, it's hilarious. We also got clothes, and posters, ended up spending $150ish...
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