So I'm photographing a wedding with the man who is pretty much my mentor the other day. And we are talking to to the brides father before it all telling him what we were planning on doing. This man obviously has no idea how photographers work, but that's fine. Most people don't. But for some reason he thought it would be ok to bring in another person to do the candid photo's of the whole thing. It blew my mind. This other so called "photographer" was at one time a client of my mentor's. She watched how he would pose her kids for the photo's then told him "Oh I can do this". Cause apparently that's all it takes. So she takes a few shots on her little digital rebel and develops a few between the wedding and reception so they can be signed for the Bride and Groom at the reception. And trust me when I say this, they were god awful horrible shots. And to top it off she was walking around telling everyone she learned everything she know from the photographer. That pissed him off pretty good. It was a great wedding. We got some really good shots, and I learned a lot. I just hope that one person did not ruin my mentors reputation to badly.
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