WOW, last night was my first time out in LA since being back and I've never appreciated it so much. Sacha an I saw Mouth of the Architect play at the Knitting Factory, I had my first whiskey and Diet Coke in nearly 5 months, I saw a team of bimbos in matching shirts with fake boobies... I really do love LA. BUT I'm having a tooootall postgrad lifecrisis and have NO idea what I want to be. I had an interview with Nordstroms cosmetics which went well and another with MAC that went pretty well but they're so competitive. I can't work for a line that isn't cruelity free soooooo, I just don't know what I should be doing and I don't want to sell myself short. This is the first time in my life I'm NOT looking for a temporary after school job and I have huuuuuge student loans to pay off. I think a panic attack is on it's way.
1. What's your sexual orientation? Straight / Bi / Gay
2. Do you drink alcohol?
3. If yes, what's your favourite drink?
4. What's your favourite after-hours activity or hobby?
5. What job did you want to do as a child?
6. Do you have pets?
7. If yes, what?
8. Do you prefer savoury or sweet?
If you check out my blog you will find my own answers to these
questions there soon ...