life is the same.

working. applied for a new job. see where that goes.

the most exciting event lately has been tracking drums for our bands demo. 7 songs. be done in about a month or two!

thats it!!

i think... i am terrible at this
Happy Belated V Day to you all!

i think last nite was the best valentines day I've ever had!!!
my friend Paul called and told me to come see a band that he works with play with Bright Eyes (i don't like bright eyes). But, I figured the crowd at a Valentines Day Bright Eyes show would be a site to behold unto itself. plus...
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Sounds like you had an amazing V-Day!! smile I hope your doing well kiddo. smile I miss you being my runner .... can I clone you and bring your clone with me to northridge ?? Hope life is well .. KIT blush kiss
your gonna be on the floor?? geez.... why couldnt you be on the floor while i was there lol smile i wish i could have been floor buddies with ya.. that sucks...... but i am glad your getting some floor experience.... you'll kick ass cause your more technical.

So hows life treating you? Is everything at the store rad?

I wish i said goodbye to you smile aww.. well... that means you cant be a stranger then hahaha smile

so KIT k! wink kiss
i am really beginning to miss certain people. and not wanting to see others. i wish my lifes dreams didn't take relying other people to fulfill them... or even get them off the ground.

i feel stagnant and wasteful. i go to work and spend money and rarely do shit I want to be doing.


but I am feeling better. my throat hurt for...
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Happy valentines love!...Muwaaah!!!.. kiss love kiss
working the later shifts at work the next 4 days. sucks.

want to practice. need some new equipment.

haven't slept much the last few days. caught up with me last nite. passed out watching Neverending story at a friends. i snored.

hopefully hit up the gym after work the next few nites.

so, I watched 'The Life of David Gale' the other nite... there's one...
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well.. well.. well.. wink
so i have been in the gym nonstop... i think i overdid it. now my wrist is swollen and my right ankle hurts in the wrong position.

this sucks.
gonna take a day or two off. that makes me feel lazy!!!
i want a g4 ibook... maybe a powerbook. but i think the ibook.

so, I am now addicted to sex, cigarettes and working out!

its getting really bad. i am obsessing over sex and the gym. i guess its better than smokin crack OR sucking dick for crack!!!

wait, ... right???
been to the gym almost every day for the last 2 weeks... fuckin a. feels good!!!

next up is buyin 7 minute abs!!

LA rain is driving me fucking NUTS!!! yea yea, i know i should be happy i wasn't in a tsunami. but i am sorry for them. it wasn't me so I thank god for that!! but this shit sucks anyway!!!!!

thats it...
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someone give me money!

i need band equipment and a haircut. oh and food too.

and gimme a Powerbook too... no gimme the MONEY for the Powerbook. I know exactly what I want, you'll just fuck it up.

t.v. is lame. DVD's are the only way to go.

shrooms and weed this weekend. YEA!
a.) how did we end up friends on here? funny i don't know smile
b.) tea or water? if i could only have one....water
c.) does this look infected? yes puke
let's see

spent christmas with my family and my girlfriend in Vegas. that was good. I actually felt loved and like I was loving people for once.

came home to LA for New Years because Vegas blows and I had to work. New Years was a good time. crazy parties. many drugs. very surreal.

New Years day. running on 3.5 hours of sleep I proceeded...
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stayed up til 6 am last nite.... not a good way to try and deal with insomnia =( but it was all in good fun and partying.

slept til 10:20. wow.

fuck christmas. but yay for the days off. i'll be in Vegas visiting family and my lady!