I had one of the most surreal nights of my life.
this gets preety nasty.
I went to a casino banquet room for a paint show/product knowledge exhibit for my work yesterday. before we were to start they gave us free buffet tickets and said to be back by 2. well, I ate a cheeseburger, some Caesar salad (which looked kinda scary but I just figured that was because it was so mass produced) and some potato pancakes.
ate the food, left the buffet. went and smoked a ciggie and played $5 in a nickel Deuces Wild machine and got up $10 and then down to ZERO!
anyway, I go to the exhibit and about halfway thru start getting stomach cramps. so I go to the bathroom to try and remedy the situation. ehhhh... so I go back. then sitting there it gets real bad and I start swetaing but my hands are freezing and I run out of the room to go throw up. yea, that was gnarly. I think my whole meal came up in one blast.
so I tell the instructor i can't finish the class and he understands. I walk out to my truck and as I am about to get in I feel like I need to puke again. but naturally in casino parking lot you never alone. I waited for the least amount of people to be around and tried to puke. nothing. FUCK!
so I get in my truck and make what feels like the longest 25 minutes drive to my apt. ever!
I get home and tear my shirt off on my way to the bathroom. yep, up it comes.
now, after this first time it was about 5:30 pm. I felt exhausted. I set my alarm for 5:30 for work the next morning and just figured I'd sleep it off. maybe I was just tired.
well, for the next 12 hours I dryheaved at least once or twice every hour for a good 5-10 minutes at a time. after I would get finished I would go lay back down and look at the time and not know whether I was awake or if I was late for work or what. my phone was ringing at odd hours and just the thought of talking made me want to run to the bathroom again.
then at 5:20 right before my alarm went off I woke up and knew this was it. for some strange reason I walked into the bathroom and threw up. afer I was done I felt better. I don't know how but I knew it was all out, whatever it was. so I fell back asleep for 20 minutes and felt pretty damn good, compared to how I felt the last 12 hours that is. besides the fact that it felt like I had no stomach in my body and my throat was drier and more scratchy than a damn desert.
I called into work and went back to bed. so I sit here now after waking up. I am hungry but am scared to eat. thirsty but scared to drink.
by far one of the longest strangest nights of my life.
writing this out cannot compare to the actuality of this event. I almost feel like this means something. like a cleansing of sorts, of course I take everything as a sign, but it seems like this a new beginning of sorts.
anyway, if you read all of this, you are fucking insane and I love you for it!
EDIT: I just did a weigh in and I lost 8 lbs last night.
I had one of the most surreal nights of my life.
this gets preety nasty.
I went to a casino banquet room for a paint show/product knowledge exhibit for my work yesterday. before we were to start they gave us free buffet tickets and said to be back by 2. well, I ate a cheeseburger, some Caesar salad (which looked kinda scary but I just figured that was because it was so mass produced) and some potato pancakes.
ate the food, left the buffet. went and smoked a ciggie and played $5 in a nickel Deuces Wild machine and got up $10 and then down to ZERO!
anyway, I go to the exhibit and about halfway thru start getting stomach cramps. so I go to the bathroom to try and remedy the situation. ehhhh... so I go back. then sitting there it gets real bad and I start swetaing but my hands are freezing and I run out of the room to go throw up. yea, that was gnarly. I think my whole meal came up in one blast.
so I tell the instructor i can't finish the class and he understands. I walk out to my truck and as I am about to get in I feel like I need to puke again. but naturally in casino parking lot you never alone. I waited for the least amount of people to be around and tried to puke. nothing. FUCK!
so I get in my truck and make what feels like the longest 25 minutes drive to my apt. ever!
I get home and tear my shirt off on my way to the bathroom. yep, up it comes.
now, after this first time it was about 5:30 pm. I felt exhausted. I set my alarm for 5:30 for work the next morning and just figured I'd sleep it off. maybe I was just tired.
well, for the next 12 hours I dryheaved at least once or twice every hour for a good 5-10 minutes at a time. after I would get finished I would go lay back down and look at the time and not know whether I was awake or if I was late for work or what. my phone was ringing at odd hours and just the thought of talking made me want to run to the bathroom again.
then at 5:20 right before my alarm went off I woke up and knew this was it. for some strange reason I walked into the bathroom and threw up. afer I was done I felt better. I don't know how but I knew it was all out, whatever it was. so I fell back asleep for 20 minutes and felt pretty damn good, compared to how I felt the last 12 hours that is. besides the fact that it felt like I had no stomach in my body and my throat was drier and more scratchy than a damn desert.
I called into work and went back to bed. so I sit here now after waking up. I am hungry but am scared to eat. thirsty but scared to drink.
by far one of the longest strangest nights of my life.
writing this out cannot compare to the actuality of this event. I almost feel like this means something. like a cleansing of sorts, of course I take everything as a sign, but it seems like this a new beginning of sorts.
anyway, if you read all of this, you are fucking insane and I love you for it!

EDIT: I just did a weigh in and I lost 8 lbs last night.