few things on my mind.
people take themselves/others WAY too seriously on this fucking program. I have no reason to bring this up really except for the fact that when talking to one of my 'Buddies' my humor seems to be lost on her... (I guess I could blame my humor, but lets be honest I am fucking funny.) no tone of voice. no facial expressions. just dry text.
seriously people, this shit is not good for us. I told said Buddy about my feelings of this and saying I NEVER take these conversations seriously and she got offended. she said she has gotten in AIM fights with friends and lost her firendships over them... are you fucking kidding me? ::sigh::
i know that was a complete rant but I think I made my point.
i am in a ranty mood.
oh, fuck AOL too. I had a screen name, registered the SAME NAME thru AIM and when I cancelled my account they stole my AIM name too...ALL 200 BUDDIES ON THE LIST, GONE!!!!
fuck my work too.
that place is lame.
old people piss me off alot too, not so much lately but I still have many vivid memories of bad driving incidents. roadtrip tomorrow so I am sure there will be a few more tales to be told on that topic!
San Diego this weekend. good times. 2 shows. nice weather. fuck Vegas. I have realized Cigarettes do not help my drumming, maybe I should cease with those, I almost passed out after like 3 songs at practice tonite... not cool.
so now I hear a bridge is out in Barstow. good christ if we're late to the show tomorrow I am gonna be LIVID!!!!!
thats it.
rant complete.
people take themselves/others WAY too seriously on this fucking program. I have no reason to bring this up really except for the fact that when talking to one of my 'Buddies' my humor seems to be lost on her... (I guess I could blame my humor, but lets be honest I am fucking funny.) no tone of voice. no facial expressions. just dry text.
seriously people, this shit is not good for us. I told said Buddy about my feelings of this and saying I NEVER take these conversations seriously and she got offended. she said she has gotten in AIM fights with friends and lost her firendships over them... are you fucking kidding me? ::sigh::
i know that was a complete rant but I think I made my point.
i am in a ranty mood.
oh, fuck AOL too. I had a screen name, registered the SAME NAME thru AIM and when I cancelled my account they stole my AIM name too...ALL 200 BUDDIES ON THE LIST, GONE!!!!
fuck my work too.
that place is lame.
old people piss me off alot too, not so much lately but I still have many vivid memories of bad driving incidents. roadtrip tomorrow so I am sure there will be a few more tales to be told on that topic!
San Diego this weekend. good times. 2 shows. nice weather. fuck Vegas. I have realized Cigarettes do not help my drumming, maybe I should cease with those, I almost passed out after like 3 songs at practice tonite... not cool.
so now I hear a bridge is out in Barstow. good christ if we're late to the show tomorrow I am gonna be LIVID!!!!!
thats it.
rant complete.
sarcasm is not easily transfer through text... and people are just that fucking uptight....whether they like to admit it or not.