EVery night since wednesday has been either a friends or relatives birthday ... 4 birthdays in a row. christ. the madness wraps up today.
watched the new 'Girl/Chocolate' skate video. it was directed by Spike Jonze with a cameo by Owen Wilson and their is an Interpol song in it too. it's fuckin' rad! even if you don't like skating, this video is still quite the cool!
I slept a good 9 hours today! WOOHOO!
watched the new 'Girl/Chocolate' skate video. it was directed by Spike Jonze with a cameo by Owen Wilson and their is an Interpol song in it too. it's fuckin' rad! even if you don't like skating, this video is still quite the cool!
I slept a good 9 hours today! WOOHOO!

Where exactly is Henderson? I'm just curious because I used to live in Nevada.
Portland is cool. Lots of rain. The economy is all fucked up here at the moment. I never had a chance to check out Vegas. I was born in Reno, and lived there for about 10 years.