took a few mushrooms, laid in bed, put on some My Vitriol followed by the Flying Burrito Brothers thru some headphones and enjoyed my trip into sleepytime.
now thats a fucking friday night party!!!
didn't spend any money, didn't waste any gas and didn't have to deal with anybody!!
90% of my friends are out of town this weekend. Im at home on a friday. weak. i had a tiring week at work so I think I may just stay here. my friends band is playing Hollywood but I don't think I am up parking and facing a Viper Room crowd by myself on a Friday night without being stoned at all........
so, I DON'T watch the news because I can't stand our government for the most part.... so today someone else watches the news with me in the room and within 3 minutes I am getting fired up.
our Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff tries to say the Federal Govt. didn't know about the people in the New Orleans Convention Center until Thursday and that the... Read More
so...i got a new job. i have been working there on my days off from Apple. and on my day off from both tomorrow i am doing some 'consulting' on the side for some cash and to help out a friend.
i am fucking tired.
I miss Claudia.
and Tegan is stuck in Canada!!!
be broke with lots of free time to think abotu being... Read More
so i watched this 'Metallica: Some Kind of Monster' yesterday ... those dudes are such pussies. and after it was over I thought about it and unless it was all edited out ... those dudes did not laugh at ALL! no sense if humor about anything.
you say you miss me yet you never come hang out.
and shit.