So I went to my city's birthday celebration yesterday and got pretty drunk. I didn't make a fool of myself by and large but, I was acting like a drunk idiot with a girl I kind of have a thing for. I was trying to take her home and she didn't want to because I was too drunk. I wake up today ashamed of the way I acted toward her and apologized. She understood and didn't think much of it but, I still did. I've decided to take a break from drinking for a bit, not because I think I have a drinking problem (which I don't) ,But because I want to focus my energy into getting myself in shape and my career started. So, not drinking will allow me to eat better, feel better, have more time to do other things and yeah, I wont feel like an asshole if I get black out drunk. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'll never drink again, I enjoy alcohol but, maybe it's time to clear my head a little.
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