You know what? It would help immensely right now if I could see the future. I don't think it's asking too much. You see, I don't want to see what stocks are going to go up, or who's going to win a horse race, or anything like that. I don't expect to get rich from this. It would just make things much easier if I could get a glimpse of what I'll be doing, for a few seconds, say about six months from now. And then I would structure what I'm doing right now to work towards that moment, instead of feeling like I'm making all my choices utterly out of context, like playing a video game by pressing keys randomly for half an hour and only then looking at the screen to see where I ended up.
And it will be fine for you too. You have a fast car. And an ipod. And you'll cook for girls and let them peg you. (I remember).