Last night until the early morning I sat up watching the complete Bruce Lee collection for some reason was thinking of White samari.
inbetween fight scenes cruised the net and sipped on some cold suds.
I hate having to cook at other peoples houses because for the holidays I'm cooking at some friends house which is cool a gathering of cool odd people lots of food and drinks...but the part that sux is having to haul over half my kitchen for support of the fest. I always end up missing a shit load of plates, pans, etc,
Have just noticed my life is slipping into a state of serious isolation with brief bouts of friendship wondering if I'm getting to picky to ever find someone to share space with? At an age where finding someone to chill with is becoming a serious challange.
Life of a monk in Germany cant be that bad at least they make beer.
well thats enough for now going to look for flash ideas for my sleeve.

inbetween fight scenes cruised the net and sipped on some cold suds.
I hate having to cook at other peoples houses because for the holidays I'm cooking at some friends house which is cool a gathering of cool odd people lots of food and drinks...but the part that sux is having to haul over half my kitchen for support of the fest. I always end up missing a shit load of plates, pans, etc,
Have just noticed my life is slipping into a state of serious isolation with brief bouts of friendship wondering if I'm getting to picky to ever find someone to share space with? At an age where finding someone to chill with is becoming a serious challange.
Life of a monk in Germany cant be that bad at least they make beer.
well thats enough for now going to look for flash ideas for my sleeve.
hey busy boy...are you just all occupied or have I lost my luster?
Glad you liked the pictures.