Am I less of a man because I like to cuddle? I doubt it. There's nothing wrong witht two people enjoying each others company. I really could care less who it is, as long as there's soft skin and flirtatious kisses, I'm good.
There are really so many parts of of a woman that go unnoticed. So many that don't get the attention they deserve. The whole back of the neck, for example; There's nothing better than coming up behind your on vision of loveliness and gently kissing the back of her neck. She giggles and spins around, the smile on her face says that 'maybe you shouldn't be sneeking up behind her like that...but the kisses were nice so, you're forgiven.'
I've always been focused on hands, hands tell so much about a person. I love to go to movies and hold hands. I trace my fingers around the soft parts of her fingers and pay special attention to each finger. My fingers slide along the lines of her palm, outlining the life line and slipping down the love line.
There was a girl that broke up with me when I was about 18 or 19. She broke up with me because I didn't try and sleep with her. I just wasn't forward enough. We're sitting in my moms front room and she's telling me how she doesn't think it's going to work and I'm balling my eyes out. It wasn't quite the short stuttering sob that looks really pathetic but it was damn close. I was trying to convince her that we could make it work. I was holding her hand while I was making my plee. The whole time I'm talking to her I'm tracing the words 'I love you' in the palm of her hand, hoping that if she could feel the love on the outside, maybe she would feel it on the inside too. I was a pretty sappy teenage boy. She looked up at me with a tear sitting on the verge of falling and shook her head. 'Too late' she says.
She had too much bagage for me. Girls were (and still are) big mystery and I didn't understand that a guy can move too slow. I got over it. I saw her a few years ago, married... to a guy that looks a lot like me. I'd like to be all egotistical and say that she never really got over me but the truth is that she's probably got a 'Type'. Some girls always go for the dark and mysterious, maybe she just likes the big teady bear type.
I just want someone that can curl up in my lap and watch whatever crappy late night movie is on. The movie's not really the point it has more to do with having another warm soul to enjoy and talk to.
I heard once that there was some scientist that discovered babies would die if they went without human contact for to long. Of course they need things like changing and feeding, but that isn't enough. People need human contact, we all need that affectionate touch to keep us warm inside. Otherwise our soul just freezes.
.... I should just get a fucking plant.

There are really so many parts of of a woman that go unnoticed. So many that don't get the attention they deserve. The whole back of the neck, for example; There's nothing better than coming up behind your on vision of loveliness and gently kissing the back of her neck. She giggles and spins around, the smile on her face says that 'maybe you shouldn't be sneeking up behind her like that...but the kisses were nice so, you're forgiven.'
I've always been focused on hands, hands tell so much about a person. I love to go to movies and hold hands. I trace my fingers around the soft parts of her fingers and pay special attention to each finger. My fingers slide along the lines of her palm, outlining the life line and slipping down the love line.
There was a girl that broke up with me when I was about 18 or 19. She broke up with me because I didn't try and sleep with her. I just wasn't forward enough. We're sitting in my moms front room and she's telling me how she doesn't think it's going to work and I'm balling my eyes out. It wasn't quite the short stuttering sob that looks really pathetic but it was damn close. I was trying to convince her that we could make it work. I was holding her hand while I was making my plee. The whole time I'm talking to her I'm tracing the words 'I love you' in the palm of her hand, hoping that if she could feel the love on the outside, maybe she would feel it on the inside too. I was a pretty sappy teenage boy. She looked up at me with a tear sitting on the verge of falling and shook her head. 'Too late' she says.
She had too much bagage for me. Girls were (and still are) big mystery and I didn't understand that a guy can move too slow. I got over it. I saw her a few years ago, married... to a guy that looks a lot like me. I'd like to be all egotistical and say that she never really got over me but the truth is that she's probably got a 'Type'. Some girls always go for the dark and mysterious, maybe she just likes the big teady bear type.
I just want someone that can curl up in my lap and watch whatever crappy late night movie is on. The movie's not really the point it has more to do with having another warm soul to enjoy and talk to.
I heard once that there was some scientist that discovered babies would die if they went without human contact for to long. Of course they need things like changing and feeding, but that isn't enough. People need human contact, we all need that affectionate touch to keep us warm inside. Otherwise our soul just freezes.
.... I should just get a fucking plant.

i had the golden ring and let it slip away...