So it's spring time again and I'm hearing all kinds of people talking of love and it's various degrees. I go back and forth with this one daily. Is there such thing as true love? Could love at first sight happen? Is it possible to love the same person for the rest of your life? Is love a many splendored thing? Most days, I end up with more questions than I started with so I try not to think about it too much. But I've been pushing myself to try new things so here goes...
My mom told me a story once about when my great grandma Calvert passed away. I was about 4 years old and I'm pretty sure that my dad had left at that point. We went to the viewing just her and I. She was all upset because my great-grandma's fingernails were painted horribly and she would have never gone out of the house with nails like that. I just sat there looking at her, I remember thinking how much she looked like she was sleeping, so peaceful. As we were walking out of the viewing room I turned to my mom and said; "I'm never going to love anyone ever again because when you love someone all they ever do is leave or die." A harsh thing for a 4 year old to say for sure and it breaks my heart that I ever thought it but, there are days when I ask myself why I didn't stick to that little plan.
It always has to end though doesn't it? No matter what kind of love we're talking about, it will end. Family, marriage, friends, it all goes down the same toilet. So if the end result is always pain and suffering, why do it? That, I think, is different for everyone.
For me it's that euphoric feeling. Love; it's all wrapped around you like a big soft comforter. You're the soft gooey center of the rollo's candy. There's nothing else like it in the world and it's different everytime it happens. Plus, it really does warm the soul.
People have racked their brains and hearts for centuries to come up with the right words to say exactly what love is. I don't have that kind of time, so here's what I got so far; It's worth the price. I am the hopeless romantic. I believe in unconditional love and true love and things like that. So in the end, yes, for me, that momentary blissful feeling is the well worth the heartache.
I'm always looking for the next love of my life but I'm not going to rush myself. I'm pretty okay where I'm at right now and asking for much more would be greedy.
My mom told me a story once about when my great grandma Calvert passed away. I was about 4 years old and I'm pretty sure that my dad had left at that point. We went to the viewing just her and I. She was all upset because my great-grandma's fingernails were painted horribly and she would have never gone out of the house with nails like that. I just sat there looking at her, I remember thinking how much she looked like she was sleeping, so peaceful. As we were walking out of the viewing room I turned to my mom and said; "I'm never going to love anyone ever again because when you love someone all they ever do is leave or die." A harsh thing for a 4 year old to say for sure and it breaks my heart that I ever thought it but, there are days when I ask myself why I didn't stick to that little plan.
It always has to end though doesn't it? No matter what kind of love we're talking about, it will end. Family, marriage, friends, it all goes down the same toilet. So if the end result is always pain and suffering, why do it? That, I think, is different for everyone.
For me it's that euphoric feeling. Love; it's all wrapped around you like a big soft comforter. You're the soft gooey center of the rollo's candy. There's nothing else like it in the world and it's different everytime it happens. Plus, it really does warm the soul.
People have racked their brains and hearts for centuries to come up with the right words to say exactly what love is. I don't have that kind of time, so here's what I got so far; It's worth the price. I am the hopeless romantic. I believe in unconditional love and true love and things like that. So in the end, yes, for me, that momentary blissful feeling is the well worth the heartache.
I'm always looking for the next love of my life but I'm not going to rush myself. I'm pretty okay where I'm at right now and asking for much more would be greedy.