Have you ever laughed at things that you knew you shouldn't have laugh at?
When the movie Pulp Fiction first came out, my friend Rob and I went. There's the scene toward's the end where Travolta's character shoots the kid in the back seat in the face. We laughed out loud with tears steaming down our cheeks and no one else laughed in the whole theater.
I'm not sure why we laughed. Maybe it was because we'd been exposed to so much violence as children that we saw death as a joke. Maybe it was because we saw that scene for what it was; a movie scene. Nothing more, just there to entertain the masses with it's incredible shook value.
I don't have to feel sympathy for the guy who just got his face sprayed accross the rear window because he didn't really die. And after that scene he got his check, cashed it, smiled and, went about his merry way. Why should I feel bad for him? I'd much rather laugh at his poetic mockery than cry fake tears for his poor lost soul.
Maybe I think about stuff too much.
When the movie Pulp Fiction first came out, my friend Rob and I went. There's the scene toward's the end where Travolta's character shoots the kid in the back seat in the face. We laughed out loud with tears steaming down our cheeks and no one else laughed in the whole theater.
I'm not sure why we laughed. Maybe it was because we'd been exposed to so much violence as children that we saw death as a joke. Maybe it was because we saw that scene for what it was; a movie scene. Nothing more, just there to entertain the masses with it's incredible shook value.
I don't have to feel sympathy for the guy who just got his face sprayed accross the rear window because he didn't really die. And after that scene he got his check, cashed it, smiled and, went about his merry way. Why should I feel bad for him? I'd much rather laugh at his poetic mockery than cry fake tears for his poor lost soul.
Maybe I think about stuff too much.
you probably knew this but the fake head they used for that scene is at Movie Madness in Portland. goooo portland!