There are a lot of things in my life that I've been forced to accept over the past year;
People will not always be there for you when you think you need them most.
I am the only person I can always rely on.
There is such thing as unconditional love.
Hearts break just as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, It's just a fact of life.
The one really big thing that I've realized is that being raised by a single mother has fucked me up real good. I'm not saying that Mommy dearest did a bad job, she did the best she could. And for the most part, I think she did a pretty good job but I see now why a positive male role model is so important to a growing boy.
Where else am I supposed to learn how to be a "Man"? How am I going to hone my skills as a Hunter/Gatherer? Who's there to show me how to properly bury my feelings? Where will I learn to use my pent up aggression in a constructive manner like shooting wild game or banging on things with a hammer? I had to learn these things myself. I had to learn that as Men we were never intended to "Share our feelings". This world was just fine when men kept their feelings deep inside where they belong.
I've heard tons of girls say, "I want a real man, but I can't find one. Where'd they all go?" There arent very many left because we are not our fathers sons; we are the sons of our mothers. We are the product of what our mothers saw as an ideal man; He likes walks on the beach, he shares his feelings, he's in touch with his feminine side. I don't have a vagina there for I have no "Feminine side". Girls don't have penises and I don't see them running out to get in touch with their Masculine side. Mom did what she thought would make me a better person but what she did was turn me into a colossal pussy.
There is a reason that men and women get together; Balance. It's been said that opposites attract but I think opposites balance each other out. If you look just about any happy couple you'll see that there is a good balance. If the man is more dominate and plays more of the role of a traditional bread-winning husband than the most likely the woman is more subdued and tends to play the role of the happy home-maker. I'm not saying that all women should stay at home bare-foot and pregnant but, if that's what makes you happy you shouldn't feel like being a housewife is any less important than bringing in the money. It's just as important to cook the bacon as it is to bring it home.
Ying for Yang, tit for tat, how ever you want to phrase it, men are supposed to be men and women are supposed women. Men raised by single women are a plague on our society and I think I may have found the cure; they need to stop their crying, lose that 'feminine side' and be a Man.
People will not always be there for you when you think you need them most.
I am the only person I can always rely on.
There is such thing as unconditional love.
Hearts break just as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, It's just a fact of life.
The one really big thing that I've realized is that being raised by a single mother has fucked me up real good. I'm not saying that Mommy dearest did a bad job, she did the best she could. And for the most part, I think she did a pretty good job but I see now why a positive male role model is so important to a growing boy.
Where else am I supposed to learn how to be a "Man"? How am I going to hone my skills as a Hunter/Gatherer? Who's there to show me how to properly bury my feelings? Where will I learn to use my pent up aggression in a constructive manner like shooting wild game or banging on things with a hammer? I had to learn these things myself. I had to learn that as Men we were never intended to "Share our feelings". This world was just fine when men kept their feelings deep inside where they belong.
I've heard tons of girls say, "I want a real man, but I can't find one. Where'd they all go?" There arent very many left because we are not our fathers sons; we are the sons of our mothers. We are the product of what our mothers saw as an ideal man; He likes walks on the beach, he shares his feelings, he's in touch with his feminine side. I don't have a vagina there for I have no "Feminine side". Girls don't have penises and I don't see them running out to get in touch with their Masculine side. Mom did what she thought would make me a better person but what she did was turn me into a colossal pussy.
There is a reason that men and women get together; Balance. It's been said that opposites attract but I think opposites balance each other out. If you look just about any happy couple you'll see that there is a good balance. If the man is more dominate and plays more of the role of a traditional bread-winning husband than the most likely the woman is more subdued and tends to play the role of the happy home-maker. I'm not saying that all women should stay at home bare-foot and pregnant but, if that's what makes you happy you shouldn't feel like being a housewife is any less important than bringing in the money. It's just as important to cook the bacon as it is to bring it home.
Ying for Yang, tit for tat, how ever you want to phrase it, men are supposed to be men and women are supposed women. Men raised by single women are a plague on our society and I think I may have found the cure; they need to stop their crying, lose that 'feminine side' and be a Man.
Thank you for having the courage to say all of this. What a meaningful, well-written, and thought provoking journal. And you are not a pussy