I found myself in a weird spot today. I had this same feeling after watching the towers collapse. It was the overwhelming thought that the world was not going to be the same place that it was yesterday. I grew up in a time when "War" was something that happened to other countries. When kids worried about getting Chicken-pox, not Small-pox. It was a simple time.
I sat in my living room watching the images of Puppies being handed guns. People preparing for death on both sides. These puppies didn't sign up for a war; they signed up for the college tuition and health benefits. Im sure that quite a few of them thought they would never have to see combat. Those are the ones that are sitting on the back of a truck, in the middle of the desert with an M-16 and a chem-suit, wondering if they really will make it home. I sure their families are wondering the same thing. Will mothers ever get to see their son's smiling face again? Will fathers ever get the chance to walk "Daddies little girl" down the isle? Wives and husbands lost? It breaks my heart that; if and when I have kids, their world won't be the safe world that I knew.
Take care of yourselves.
I sat in my living room watching the images of Puppies being handed guns. People preparing for death on both sides. These puppies didn't sign up for a war; they signed up for the college tuition and health benefits. Im sure that quite a few of them thought they would never have to see combat. Those are the ones that are sitting on the back of a truck, in the middle of the desert with an M-16 and a chem-suit, wondering if they really will make it home. I sure their families are wondering the same thing. Will mothers ever get to see their son's smiling face again? Will fathers ever get the chance to walk "Daddies little girl" down the isle? Wives and husbands lost? It breaks my heart that; if and when I have kids, their world won't be the safe world that I knew.
Take care of yourselves.
[Edited on Mar 18, 2003]