I think I'm beginning to understand this whole "Laundry" thing. Oh sure they start out all clean and wrinkle free. But after a while this large pile appears and it starts to consume the rest of my apartment. I think it tired to choke me in my sleep last night.
It's a neverending cycle. For a long time I thought that the clothes were a parasite, constantly feeding off of my spare change and my powdered soap. But now i think it's more of a symbotic relationship. I keep the clothes clean and they keep me warm. I can't imagine what it would be like waiting for the bus naked and it would be pretty much impossible to get a cab with my tushy hangin out for everyone to see. If I didn't have clothes, I'd have to go out and buy a car just to get around. Thank you clothes.
I think that the next time you do your laundry you should tell your clothes "Thank you". Don't do it because I did it or because you feel like you have too, Do it because, who knows you might live in my building and I think it would be really funny to walk in on someone who's talking to their clothes.
It's a neverending cycle. For a long time I thought that the clothes were a parasite, constantly feeding off of my spare change and my powdered soap. But now i think it's more of a symbotic relationship. I keep the clothes clean and they keep me warm. I can't imagine what it would be like waiting for the bus naked and it would be pretty much impossible to get a cab with my tushy hangin out for everyone to see. If I didn't have clothes, I'd have to go out and buy a car just to get around. Thank you clothes.
I think that the next time you do your laundry you should tell your clothes "Thank you". Don't do it because I did it or because you feel like you have too, Do it because, who knows you might live in my building and I think it would be really funny to walk in on someone who's talking to their clothes.
Hehe. I'm right in the middle of laundry and I just thanked my bedspread. Profusely 

All my laundry- clean or dirty- end up in these big huge piles that i endearingly refer to as my "hampster piles".... ;o)