4:17pm - There's a zit on the back of my head. It's not really visible but it struck me as kind of funny that the location of this zit is strikingly similar to the location of the Band-aid on the back of Marsalis Wallace, you remember, the character that Ving Raymes played in Pulp Fiction. After seeing that movie a couple of time I heard a theory that the reason he had a boo-boo on the back of his head is because that is were the devil removes your soul. I've been quite concerned about this. I've been wondering to myself lately, 'did I sell my soul? It's possible that I may have sold it after too much drinking one night but I'd like to think that I would remember something as important as selling my soul. My roommate insists that I sold it to him for $6.25 but I really can't see myself, even at my drunkest, selling it for that small a price. So one of two things is going on here A) Satan is trying to collect. Or B) My roommate really does believe that he owns my soul and is trying to take it while I'm sleeping.
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